
HEPA Explained
Posted on 18 November 2020
The secret is out: HEPA is an acronym you need to know about. It stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air (purifier), and is an air filter unlike any you’ve experienced. It was developed under to filter nuclear hazards but is now available to bring fresh, clean air into your home.
History of HEPA
During the 1940s, in the midst of World War II the first atomic bomb was covertly developed, and so was the necessity to protect hundreds of scientists from radioactive contaminants. Along came HEPA technology; an air filter that removed 99.97 percent of particulates as small as 0.3 microns and 95 percent of those 0.1 microns and smaller.
To put that into perspective, the smallest particle visible to the naked eye is 40 microns (1 micron is 1/10,000 of a centimetre).
HEPA has since been applied to aeronautical, medical and military environments and today it is available to you. You can find it in some of the best know air purifiers (including ours), ensuring the air you and your family breathe is as clean as possible.
How it Works
True HEPA is the most effective particulate filtering material on the market, made from very fine paper (not synthetic materials). Unlike electrostatic precipitators or air filters that use negative ions, a HEPA filter can actually intercept and trap unbelievably small particulates which allow the air to remain clean without the creation of harmful byproducts. A medical grade HEPA air purifier will clean the dust, pollen and dander you can see, but more importantly, it can help eradicate the bacteria and pollutants you cannot.
You Can Trust HEPA!
To be a considered a true HEPA filter on today’s market, it must satisfy the same standards of efficiency set by the United States Department of Energy filtering 99.97 percent of particulates as small as 0.3 microns (to give that some perspective, a dot measures about 600 microns!) Unlike other types of air filtration devices, a device with a HEPA filter actually becomes more efficient the more you use it!
Breathe Easy
The particles a HEPA filter is dealing with may be microscopic but their effect can be much larger than their size suggests. Itchy watery eyes, sneezing, wheezing, respiratory diseases, snoring, allergy and asthma attacks and disturbed sleep can all be caused by environmental pollutants. Using a medical grade HEPA air filter will help remove these from your home and can be the first step towards breathing a little easier tonight.
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